axiety aid
Anxiety – do you know it? Part 2

The Royal Family
axiety aid
Brother, Sister in Jesus, as I write this post, I’m pretty sure that if you love God, you’d like to spend more time with Him. …
Please read this text carefully, take your time. Take time just for that one activity. Think. Make an experiment like this – perhaps the first …
You know, many people refuse to come to God because, even though they are not aware of it, they feel that God will be disappointed …
The coronavirus has hit us – all of us without exception – like a bolt from the blue. Some of us are no longer there, …
I was walking through the middle of the mall and then I saw her: a tall blonde in high-heeled shoes which she didn’t seem to …
There are tons of horror stories about Halloween on the Internet; clergy are roaring, patriots are shouting „This is not a Christian tradition!” and most …
It was Friday too. There was an unprecedented silence in many schools that did not commemorate anything but was a symbol of solidarity with the …
Many Christians often live with an alert: Is this movie for me – a Christian? If there are scenes of sex or violence, should I …
In recent weeks, and in fact months and years like a boomerang, the topic of homosexual relationships is returning to the vandanda, and the concept …