Brother, Sister in Jesus, as I write this post, I’m pretty sure that if you love God, you’d like to spend more time with Him. …
You don’t know how to pray? Just meditate

The Royal Family
Brother, Sister in Jesus, as I write this post, I’m pretty sure that if you love God, you’d like to spend more time with Him. …
On February 24, I woke up to find out that about 1000 kilometers from my home, people had been attacked. And yet, I thought. Already …
Please read this text carefully, take your time. Take time just for that one activity. Think. Make an experiment like this – perhaps the first …
You can meet them everywhere. Regardless of the season, day or even weather – they walk door-to-door knocking. Sometimes you can find them standing by …
Recently, I received a letter from a friend, which stated that the most important message for mankind is the preaching of the approaching armaggedon (death, …
Things are wrong with these people in this country. Relative security and commercial opportunities turned their heads. Where are my homies, for whom the most …
It was Friday too. There was an unprecedented silence in many schools that did not commemorate anything but was a symbol of solidarity with the …
In recent weeks, and in fact months and years like a boomerang, the topic of homosexual relationships is returning to the vandanda, and the concept …
This post is for someone who probably had a question to God regarding the tree of knowing good and evil and the attitude of the …