Imagine a Muslim family of the 1980s in which nothing is missing; from material well-being to love. In which everything goes along the course of …
I am a Muslim who met Jesus Christ.

The Royal Family
Imagine a Muslim family of the 1980s in which nothing is missing; from material well-being to love. In which everything goes along the course of …
Father’s day – the most important question. „If only my father, passing by, would put a hand on my shoulder, there would be a great …
I spent another minute trying to get along with the Egyptian. We both spoke English, but he completely did not understand what I meant. In …
Do you know why some drivers park their cars so they occupy two parking spaces? Why there are people who litter the forests, abandon the …
On September 11, 2001, a series of terrorist attacks took place in the USA, under which Al-Qaida proudly signed. Two towers collapsed, and in their …
Ewa’s testimony It was a nice morning. I woke up probably around 9 am. He probably already watched something on my tablet – usually in …
Świadectwo Ewy To był miły poranek. Obudziłam się chyba około 9 rano. On pewnie już oglądał coś na moim tablecie – zazwyczaj w takiej sytuacji …
Close your eyes and imagine a luxury villa comfortably arranged on a large estate, which has valets, chefs, and staff at every opportunity. Its inhabitants …
My name is Mazzen. I was born in Israel in 1971 in the west bank town called Ramalah. I came to America in 1973. My …
Nazywam się Mazzen. Urodziłem się w Izraelu w 1971 roku na zachodnim brzegu miasta o nazwie Ramalah. Przyjechałem do Ameryki w 1973 roku.Moja matka i …