Close your eyes and imagine a luxury villa comfortably arranged on a large estate, which has valets, chefs, and staff at every opportunity. Its inhabitants …
The Greenleaf family behind the scenes.

The Royal Family
Close your eyes and imagine a luxury villa comfortably arranged on a large estate, which has valets, chefs, and staff at every opportunity. Its inhabitants …
My name is Mazzen. I was born in Israel in 1971 in the west bank town called Ramalah. I came to America in 1973. My …
I was not an alcoholic. I was not a drug addict. I was not a degenerate or a criminal – according to social standards. I …
One night I could not sleep for a long time. It was shortly after my conversion to Jesus. I was worried about the visit to …
This time, 2003 was a pre-harvest. In a moment I was to meet Him, all my interior knew somewhere deeply that something new was coming: …
I didn’t plan such a blog. Miejsce Akcji was to promote my insatiable, writing soul. But God demanded attention. This i show it happened: It’s …
Ania – she engages in love because, as she says, God loved her first. She’s on the way. That means that her home is where …
– Jesus, could you smile at me? – I asked in my mind, standing as a nine-year-old in the church in front of the picture …