Out of all the productions that I saw and found interesting, I saved ONE for dessert, like a good cake. A series that was never …
A series for the chosen ones

The Royal Family
Out of all the productions that I saw and found interesting, I saved ONE for dessert, like a good cake. A series that was never …
If you are a one who believed in God and then believed in God and His Son Jesus Christ, then you create a family with …
Beautiful, wise, upbuilding. A little over twenty minutes of video – because it is on YouTube. A film that won several awards and was made …
Brother, Sister in Jesus, as I write this post, I’m pretty sure that if you love God, you’d like to spend more time with Him. …
On February 24, I woke up to find out that about 1000 kilometers from my home, people had been attacked. And yet, I thought. Already …
Some time ago I mentioned 3 series that I think promote good – which are worth paying attention to if Christian values are not too …
Please read this text carefully, take your time. Take time just for that one activity. Think. Make an experiment like this – perhaps the first …
About 120 million people worldwide suffer from depression, which means that depression does not choose. It can affect anyone, regardless of their place of residence, …
You know, many people refuse to come to God because, even though they are not aware of it, they feel that God will be disappointed …
Do you remember this moment about your conversion, the new birth, that you wanted to preach Christ to everyone? I do. Correction: to preach Christ …