Koronawirus spadł na nas – wszystkich bez wyjątku – jak grom z jasnego nieba. Niektórych z nas już nie ma, a ci z nas, którzy …
How to keep faith in times of pandemic?
The coronavirus has hit us – all of us without exception – like a bolt from the blue. Some of us are no longer there, …
Sexy woman
I was walking through the middle of the mall and then I saw her: a tall blonde in high-heeled shoes which she didn’t seem to …
Halloween – do you like walking in the dark?
There are tons of horror stories about Halloween on the Internet; clergy are roaring, patriots are shouting „This is not a Christian tradition!” and most …
Czy głosimy ANTY ewangelię?
Ostatnio dostałam list od znajomej, z którego wynikało, że najważniejszym poselstwem dla ludzkości jest głoszenie zbliżającego się armaggedonu (śmierć, zagłada, zniszczenie) – na moje zdziwienie, …
Are we preaching an ANTI gospel?
Recently, I received a letter from a friend, which stated that the most important message for mankind is the preaching of the approaching armaggedon (death, …
Trzy seriale, które promują dobro
Czy macie czasem ochotę obejrzeć coś, przy czym wreszcie możecie prawdziwie odpocząć? Coś, co przedstawia świat, w którym naprawdę chcielibyście żyć? Mam coś takiego! Moim …
Three series that promote good
Do you ever feel like watching something where you can finally truly relax? Something that represents the world you really want to live in? I …
What you don’t know about Islam.
Things are wrong with these people in this country. Relative security and commercial opportunities turned their heads. Where are my homies, for whom the most …
Who has the problem with the rainbow?
It was Friday too. There was an unprecedented silence in many schools that did not commemorate anything but was a symbol of solidarity with the …